Landscape Consulting Co
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Phoenix Landscape Consultant
We provide consulting services for Landscapes including Bid & Proposal Evaluation and Audits & Recommendations, workmanship evaluation, how to select the right contractor, and more.
We help homeowners, contractors, and homeowner associations by acting as a neutral third party in any and all things landscape related.
Selecting the right company
1. How to select the right contractor for your project?
We will walk through the steps on checking for insurance, appropriate licensing, bonding, reputation, and more to ensure you select the right contractor to meet your needs.
2. What to look for when selecting a company?
Our consulting services will point out who is credible, who you should ask questions to, and what contractor you may ultimately hire for your project who will have your best interests in mind when working with you.
3. How many estimates/proposals should you obtain before making a selection?
There are multiple articles citing every homeowner should obtain 3 estimates before making a contractor selection. This may be necessary in addition to other criteria to consider before hiring.
4. Does the company have a contractors license?
This is a very important step, but also consists of other factors. Who is holding the license, does the contractor have any discipline on their record, etc. We can help make these determinations along side you ensuring you are protected.
5. How to choose a Landscaper?
There are many points to consider when choosing a landscaper including who has the best value, who uses the highest quality materials, and who really has the experience. We can look at the proposals you received and help generate questions to ask a potential contractor for your project.
6. How to pick a landscape designer?
There are many landscape designers in the marketplace today. Who might be best for your project? You may need a full set of plans for your project, or perhaps just a conceptual design. After reviewing your project with you and walking your property, we will provide guidance on what route might be best for you.
Evaluation of the bid
-What do the items in the bid really mean?
-Are the items in the proposal complete and detailed?
-Does the bid pricing match market pricing?
-Do the items contained match the customers expectations for what they think they are getting?
-Are their other questions they should be asking about the bid?
-Does the contract contain all of the required and necessary elements required of a proposal?
-General guidance to ensure a successful project
Low voltage lighting system audits
-Auditing of low voltage systems including transformers,
hardware, fixtures, and more.
-Assisting with selecting new fixtures, placement of
new fixtures, types of new low voltage fixtures to add, and more